1960 Republic of Cyprus
Population Exchange Agreement 
Signed on August 2, 1975.
  1. The Turkish Cypriots at present in the south of the island will be allowed, if they want to do so, to proceed north with their belongings under an organised programme and with the assistance of the United Nations Peace keeping force in Cyprus.

  2. Mr. Denktash reaffirmed, and it was agreed, that the Greek Cypriots at present in the north of the island are free to stay and that they will be given every help to lead a normal life, including facilities for education and for the practice of their religion, as well as medical care by their own doctors and freedom of movement in the north.

  3. The Greek Cypriots at present in the north who, at their own request and without having been subjected to any kind of pressure, wish to move to the south, will be permitted to do so.

  4. The United Nations will have free and normal access to Greek Cypriot villages and habitations in the north.

  5. In connection with the implementations of the above agreement, priority will be given to the reunification of families, which may also involve the transfer of a number of Greek Cypriots, at present in the south, to the north.
Source: United Nations Document S/11789
  • From: C.H. Dodd, (1993), `Cyprus: A Historical Introduction', in C.H. Dodd (ed.), "The Political, Social, and Economic Development of Northern Cyprus", Eothen Press, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England.

Chronological History